Long Range Locators System
Long Range Locator Sys, or Electronic Antenna Trackers Devices, are one of the most important detection systems for professional prospectors, which shortens the time for them to reach the locations of expected targets, In order the user to reach the target site in the least time and effort, We have chosen for you a best group of the most recent of these devices, which has a proven their effectiveness globally.
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Gold Step Pro Max
The most famous device in the world and the most widely used by prospectors for gold and precious metals underground, The Gold Step device, the previous version, has always been the master of long-range, most efficient and flexible detectors in detecting everything that is valuable in the ground for the past 7 years.
Through this successful scientific model, many prospectors and explorers around the world were able to reach their targets and achieve their will. Therefore, we are now putting in your hands the Gold Step Pro Max 2022, the completely new version, with new technologies and additions represented by newly invented technical means in our scientific laboratories.
The Gold Step Pro Max is the most important professional detector produced by our company. Therefore, we have developed and manufactured this device in a way that makes it the best and most widely used method among researchers and prospectors for buried treasures underground.
The user of the new Pro Max device can reach the valuable targets and precious treasures easier and faster than before, as this device provides all the techniques that the user needs to help him in most of the scans and vertical and horizontal detection and in line with all lands and terrain, as this device includes systems All-new imaging detection, in addition to other vertical detection systems and long-distance detection systems that characterize BR Systems.
You can operate this device and choose the detection system from long distances until the device begins directing you to the location of the target and then verifying this target through imaging detection systems that help you know the shape and size of the target.
BR 100 Pro
The BR 100 Pro, the new version, is a new, modern technology that combines detection systems from long distances and vertical detection of targets. This device is a very convenient option, We have developed this device and manufactured it in a way that makes it one of the most important reagents used among researchers and prospectors for treasures buried underground.
The user of the new BR 100 Pro device can reach valuable targets and precious treasures easier and faster than before. This device provides all the user needs of techniques that help him in most surveys and vertical and horizontal detection and in line with all lands and terrain, as this device includes: All detection systems from long distances horizontal in addition to the vertical detection system Magneto scan.
You can operate this device and choose the type of target to be detected until the device starts directing you to the target location and then verify this target through the vertical detection system that can confirm the target signal through audio and visual indicators on the screen and indicate the intensity and size of the target signal and confine it to a small circle.
This device is supported by newly invented technologies and software that are exclusive to BR Systems.
BR 50 Target Max
The new BR 50 TARGET MAX device is a new technology integrated between the long-range radar system and the newly developed ionic detection system at BR Systems. Guiding you to the locations of the targets and verifying them completely, this device meets that with a great detection speed.
We have developed and manufactured this device in a way that makes it one of the most important reagents used among researchers and prospectors for buried treasures underground.
The user of the new BR 50 TARGET MAX device is able to reach valuable targets and precious treasures easier and faster than before. This device provides what the user needs from techniques that help him in more scans and in line with all lands and terrain, as this device includes all detection systems from long distances.
You can operate this device through the Long Range Locator system and choose the type of target to be detected until the device begins directing you to the location of the target and then verifying this target through the Ion detection system, which confirms the presence of the target through audio signals from the device supported by visual signals on the screen that Indicate the intensity of the target signal and how close you are to it and confine it to a small circle.
This device is supported by newly invented technologies and software that are exclusive to BR Systems.
Br 20 Pro
This mini device detects gold and treasures from long distances through the newly developed Long range Locator system at BR Systems.
When you turn on this device and choose the metal to be detected, the device will start directing you towards the detected targets in the area, through the front sensor guidance feature in the device, which is integrated with the technology of visible radar signals on the screen, in addition to the audio signal until it reaches you to the target center.
device, through the automatic detection technology BUM, can connect you to potential targets in the area within a short time.
If you are one of those searching for gold and treasures buried underground and looking for the acquisition of a modern and advanced exploratory device with a small size and easy to use, then this device meets that with a high detection speed.
We have developed this device and manufactured it in a way that makes it one of the most important reagents used among researchers and prospectors for the treasures buried underground.
device is powered by newly invented and developed technologies and software that are exclusive to BR Systems.
Gold & Treasures Detector” Spark device works on the long distance sensing system (LDS), the advanced and built-in with acoustic identification systems to locate the path and point center of target.
The Spark offers the high rigor frequency waves that enable it to identify and detection the target sites underground, like a gold, treasures and blanks meticulously where the device can locate the targets from 200 meters distance and an angle of 360 degrees with precise control feature at a horizontal distance search, where there are a several levels of search distance, the user can adjust according to their needs to the horizontal scan, the search depth in the Spark device can be reach until 10m underground with the possibility of precise control in search depth.
All that through the device control interface, device is characterized by its small size and ease of use, where it can be placed in the pocket and move around so easily, and anyone can use it without having to experience or large knowledge about detectors.
Gold Ore & Nuggets Detector” Spark (Gold Nugget) device works on the long-distance sensing system (LDS), the advanced and built-in with acoustic identification systems to locate the path and point canter of a target.
The Spark (Gold Nugget) offers the high rigor frequency waves that enable it to identify and detection the gold nugget underground, meticulously where the device can locate the targets from 200 meters distance and an angle of 360 degrees with precise control feature at a horizontal distance search, where there are a several levels of search distance, the user can adjust according to their needs to the horizontal scan, the search depth in the ( Spark gold nugget) device can be reached until 10m underground with the possibility of precise control in search depth.
All that through the device control interface, device is characterized by its small size and ease of use, where it can be placed in the pocket and move it all the goodwill and easily, and anyone can use it without having to experience or large knowledge about detectors machines.
The Easiest .. The smallest .. and the faster to detect treasures
VIGOR, the new and advanced device to detect gold, treasures and cavity, vigor device has modern features and characteristics that enable it to monitor underground targets accurately and effectively, The high sensitivity to detection the target speedily, accurate verification of the target’s location, and the acoustic indicators issued to determine the target’s location path is one of the most important of these features, In addition the digital compass on the device screen, which shows directions and the target path as well, The detection depth of this device reaches 20 m and can detect targets from a distance of 2000 m circular.
MF 1100 PRO
A new imprint in the world of advanced detectors
Smart detection and control systems (Smart Technology)
New inventions invented for you by MWF DETECTORS
Now the gold and treasures are in your hands with confidence and with less time and effort.
Note: this device it is sold in three different packages according of the systems available in each package:
1- Standard package: Provided with the basic search system, Advanced” Long Range System 2- Professional Package: Provided with 2 search systems Long Range System & Hybrid+ system. 3- Super Package: Provided with 3 search systems, Long Range System & Hybrid+ system and Geophysical survey system.This is the Standard Package of MF-1100 PRO:
Provided with the basic search system, Advanced” Long Range System, And you can activate the other systems later in case you purchase the detection kit of each system.MF 1200 ACTIVE
MF 1200 Active With 3 detection systems , Multi-functional and multi-system
This device is a developer of the device MF 1200 Active, which has been updated and developed entirely ,has been developed transceiver systems, and equipped with more than a long distance sensing system to search and detection of targets underground.
Supported also with ionic detection and verification system, In addition multi-lingual with smart modern software and TFT color display.
MF 1200 ACTIVE, a specialist in detection and exploration for underground resources and mineral, gold, minerals, water, gemstone, diamonds, voids and cavities as well, with optional lists.
Is a multi-detection systems device with several functions, it gives the explorer high-accurate results about the targets underground with locating points of drilling for target and the depth as well, supported by smart operating systems, which gives to user a complete and rapid control in all the settings of the device programs and seamlessly.
MF 1500 Smart |With 4 detection systems Sophisticated & High accuracy, Multi-functional Detection Machine, And with Multiple Search Listings , After scientific studies and practical experimental which exceeded 4 years, offering and granting to you today MWF Group, High accuracy detection systems, and free of any errors.
MF 1500 SMART, a specialist in detection and exploration for underground resources and mineral, gold, minerals, water, gemstone, diamonds, voids and cavities as well, with optional lists.
This device is the latest and most advanced scientific technology, running on the detection and smart operating systems (Smart Technology) for the first time and exclusively at MWF GROUP.
MF 1500 Smart is a multi-detection systems device with several functions, it gives the explorer high-accurate results about the targets underground with locating points of drilling for target and the depth as well, supported by smart operating systems, which gives to user a complete and rapid control in all the settings of the device programs and seamlessly.
MF 1500 Smart has Multi-language also, so can anyone use it and it can be easily handled, with integrated data and results about the target point and drilling for, as well to determine the depth and size of target.
MF 9700 QUINARY – With 6 Professional Metal Detection Systems
At the request of our customers ongoing to get integrated search station for the detection and exploration of mineral and underground resources, at the same time far away from those big and bulky machines that is difficult to deal and work out, especially in the rugged and mountainous areas, and in areas that need to be guaranteed and accurate devices in the results and easy to use at once.
The MWF group and after the diligence and research took several years to production MF 9700 QUINARY, a machine with substantive and technical specifications can not be underestimated, supported this device by latest modern scientific systems which our group developed through several stages to get, which other did not get that, to put a new mark in the world of detection and ground survey.
Supported the device with six search system for the detection and exploration for gold, metal, treasures,relics,groundwater and voids , and to determine their location and confirm their presence points 100% , by using the six systems that give the user blindly trust to reach his target and find it without any hesitation.
The systems supported by the device gives you a long-range scanning to detect and locate the targets from a far distance, and verification ionic search system to confirm the target, In addition to the geophysical survey techniques systems, with smart and automatic analysis of the target, type and depth, except for magnetic scanner system ( Ground Sensor) with sound data and graphic to confirm the targets sites and distinguish between them, and Finally the Ground Scan System, gives you a clear photo about the target.
All this and more is available in a single device with proven effectiveness and with a large HD color screen, displays the control systems of advanced smart programs, and displays all the results and coordinates about research and survey.
Ajax Alpha
All are waiting this device, and we know that you searched a lot and you couldn’t find a device let’s you achieve your goals, but now your wish became true with ALPHA and all you should do is continue reading…
ALPHA device with remote sensing technology and two long range systems to explore and detect Gold, Treasures and other metals.
The first device globally with remote sensing two long range systems, deserved and won this after many experiments by the most famous treasure hunters among USA, Asia and Europe, where it proved its competence with its accurate results in goal detection from long distances reaches to 2850 meters, and high depths reaches to 50 meters underground, and with its new detection and operating smart systems which are available for the first time globally in ALPHA.
Note: All AJAX products are provided with Two Years Warranty.
Ajax Primero
Primero has 9 advanced systems for detection and exploration of metals, gold, buried treasures and cavity, in addition to multiple functions.
Science fiction displays the technology of the future, which may be implemented effectively, including those that can be implemented only in the scenes of science fiction, but with the creative team of AJAX for detectors technology who takes you a leap of quality and unique for the first time globally to the modern scientific reality that lies the latest and most accurate Scientific systems for the detection and exploration of gold, minerals and treasures underground.
Note: All AJAX products are provided with Two Years Warranty.