
Explosive and Liquids Detectors

Explosive & Liquids Detectors, these devices are of great importance in stopping the transportation and carrying of prohibited and dangerous materials such as explosives, liquids prohibited from being circulated and even drugs as well, these devices have several uses according to each device and its specialization, and from our concern for the public interest and increasing the level of security we offer the government organizations this group of these devices.

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Explosive Trace Detector

ETD 300A" The portable digital electronic device with explosive or drug detection systems, a device with high sensitivity in detecting explosives, using an advanced scientific system with an LCD screen to display data and give the inspector quick and real-time results.

Liquid Detector

LDR600" A small, compact, handheld electronic device, provides rapid verification and inspection of dangerous and potentially explosive liquids, Handheld dangerous liquid detector, is a flammable chemical explosive liquid scanner, used in train station, airport and bus stations.