
Pipe and Cable Locators

Pipe & Cable Locators, these locators are play a major role in the accurate and rapid maintenance of roads, residential areas, buildings, complexes, and others, they identify active and passive electrical pipelines and wires networks to carry out maintenance operations without need for large excavations operations, are shortening time and saving money, we offer you a sophisticated a group of the best detectors in the world.

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CLP 700

CPL-700 is a smart and professional device, the latest in the world to detect and locate the cable and pipe underground and mapping very quickly. This device has many characteristics and a great speed to locating cables and pipes , indicating their extensions and their distribution networks, It is a specialized device that has been specially designed to detect underground paths and locations of cable and pipes up to a depth of 5 meters, you can get now the best cable and pipe locator.


RD500" Plastic Water Pipe Locator The easy and accurate way to locate and trace plastic water pipes Leaks in plastic water pipes are costly to repair, damaging to the environment, and time-consuming, and locating the pipe is often one of the first steps to repairing the leak. While conventional Pipe and Cable Locators trace electromagnetic signals traveling on metal pipes and cables, those signals will not travel on non-metallic pipes. The RD500 Plastic Water Pipe Locator, Using a Pulse Transmitter, the RD500 Receiver traces vibrations traveling on plastic water pipes, over distances up to 500’ (150 m) and at depths up to 6’ (1.8 m). The RD500 is the accurate and easy way to quickly locate plastic water pipes.


Rex Pipe and Cable Locator 3 FREQUENCIES • 1 LOCATOR • ALL UTILITIES Rex is recommended for locating all types of underground utilities: water and sewer, electric, telecom, and gas. The sleek design of the transmitter is less than 2” thick and weighs less than 4 lbs. At slightly over 7 lbs., the entire system fits easily into a custom shoulder bag.


The Snap TRACK sonde locator is one of the most accurate on the market. The locators are designed and manufactured to make sewer camera beacon locating as accurate as you need and as simple as you want. Built on a proven design, the Snap TRACK sonde detector offers the most advanced signal acquisition and filtering technology. Equipped with a keyboard that allows fast and easy control, it consists of three buttons, with a high-contrast LCD display with backlight, it can measure the depth and current continuously, Comfortable and lightweight device with a compact design for easy storage, Made in the USA with a four-year warranty.


UAT-505 Underground Utility Locator Kit is the rugged, economical solution for locating underground energized and de-energized wires, cables and pipes, The Transmitter utilizes the proven 33 kHz frequency, which is ideal for most locating applications. With the Receiver, trace the signal in Induction or Direct Test Leads Connection Modes. The Receiver features fast sound and meter response and easy depth measurements to 20 feet at the push of a button, as well as highly sensitive Power and Radio Modes which detect energized wires and radio signals on underground lines.