Smart Wave Detectors
Smart Wave Co. was established in the Sultanate of Oman due to its strategic location and its growing economic growth in all fields of trade and industry.
Smart Wave Detector Technology Company is the first company in the Oman specializing in the trade of groundwater detectors, metal detectors and scientific equipment that support construction to locate pipes and cables, drainage lines, water pipes, cavity and all geological and geophysical applications.
Our company aims
Our company aims to support and serve the local market, and provide the Arab and international markets with the latest advanced scientific devices that serve individuals and institutions, that’s through our contracted with the largest factories in the world those specialized in the manufacture of detectors systems, and we got exclusive agencies.
Chairman's Message
Dears our website visitors and social media of Smart Wave co. you are welcome, and I’m pleased to welcome you at our headquarters and i will be happy to receive your inquiries and suggestions at any time at the following email:
As the Chairman of Smart Wave, I would like to thank all caretakers of this wonderful work that serves the community, individuals and institutions, I would like to reassure farmers and farm owners that it is time to eliminate the factors of water scarcity and desertification and reduce the random drilling of groundwater and that’s through the modern equipment and detection machine that we have introduced to you in our local markets that help you with confidence in drilling wells and water exploration,At the same time, I assure all mining companies in the Sultanate of Oman to support you by providing the latest equipment and advanced machines to detect underground mineral resources.
My thanks go to all our success partners for and companies that have given us confidence and exclusive agency rights in Oman, I would like also to mention the American company & factory (MWF Detectors) and its subsidiary in Turkey for their continuous support for the completion of this project and the great efforts they have given us. My thank also to the American factory ( AJAX Detectors ) for their support in receiving our engineering delegation and training them on their products and for granting us exclusive agency rights.